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Dec 28, 2023

Are you feeling stuck in the cycle of physical or emotional pain? Ever wonder if there's more you can do to overcome this barrier and truly break free?

Our minds hold immense power. The thoughts we nurture and the beliefs we hold about ourselves can significantly influence our experiences and shape our reality....

Dec 26, 2023

Have you ever stopped to think about how your hidden feelings might be guiding your life?

In today's IQ episode, Brandy shares the everyday ways that our emotions, often the ones we don't even realize we have, can influence our health and happiness. As Brandy sheds light on how these hidden emotional patterns affect our...

Dec 21, 2023

This episode is truly enlightening as it uncovers intriguing, obscure, and counterintuitive aspects of healing. It reveals that the very things we consciously try to avoid can actually manifest in our lives due to hidden subconscious programming. 

This week's volunteer episode is part 2 of Brandy’s session with our...

Dec 18, 2023

Do you ever feel like you're pouring your heart into changing and growing, but somehow, the results just don't seem to show up? Or maybe you sense that a big breakthrough is right around the corner, but it's just out of reach for some reason?

In this week’s special IQ episode, Brandy opens up about a topic that...

Dec 15, 2023

Have you ever pondered the potential impact of subtle negative emotions in relationships on your overall well-being? Have you considered that your own actions might also be contributing to the problem?

When considering the impact of emotions on our health, we often associate it with feelings of victimization or...